Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Chick Party

A black Cochin, she is a beauty...and I think my fave
Last night was the "Chick Party."  I invited lots of people, and in traditional NM fashion only a few RSVP'd.  So I didn't know who was coming.  We ended up having a house full.  I made an egg casserole, salad,  and Ethan and I baked chick cookies.

One woman came to the door and said: " If you only knew the kind of "chick envy" I have!  LOL, right?   Chick envy, who knew.  Another person brought me BBQ sauce: "In case it doesn't work out" she said as she handed me the bottle.  Having a sense of humor, that really cracked me up.  Another person brought me a half dozen eggs from a local farm: "To give them ideas" he said.  
Guess which one of the 3 brought the BBQ sauce?
Charlie Z who knew a lot about chickens, to my surprise
A standard and bantam buff Cochin

Thanks for reading.
Each day is a gift. Open now.


  1. That sounds like so much fun! Those chicks are so cute!

  2. awesome pictures. Love the friend who brought BBQ Sauce- a sense of humor will take you far

  3. Love the Chick Party idea:) Sounds like a lot of fun.
