Thursday, October 6, 2011

A Raven's Way

Holding the apple core

All through our tour we saw ravens.  My friends remarked that they had never seen so many.  I just nodded.  I named my shop Polkadot Magpie for a reason.  :-)
Where I first saw him.
When he first saw me.

Ruffling his feathers and cooing...swoon!

His drinking fountain.

The second night at the Grand Canyon we booked a sunset point tour.  I honestly can't remember which place this was.  When we got off the bus and walked west into the sun.  I saw a raven fly down next to a woman sitting on the edge waiting for the sunset.  She had placed her apple core on the ground.  The raven looked at her, walking back and forth turning it's head from her to the apple core.  The raven picked it up and hopped to the edge of a nearby rock.  The raven was going to watch the sunset too.  Anyone could see that.
Waiting for the sun to set.

A wonderful place for a raven to live.

The powerful Colorado River looks like a ribbon in the distance.

Then the raven realized I (and several others) were watching.  He began to pose for us. Turning different ways that allowed the light to reflect off his iridescent feathers.  I was gaga.  He had me from then on.  He flew to the top of a pine and began the ruffling of feathers, cooing, and doing a mating dance males do.  I continued talking and walking closer.  The sun was about to slip behind the horizon.  I only had eyes for this bird.   When the sun slipped down, and the entire canyon turned purple, and blue: he took flight.  Looping around as if to show off his aerial skills.  He flew out of sight. And with him a piece of my heart.

He will lead the parade of photos sold in my Etsy shop.  Thanks for reading.
Each day is a gift. Open now.