Saturday, April 13, 2013

Day 163 The Swim

Day 163
In the center of Stuttgart there are beautiful fountains in front of the "New Castle" and Karlolga took a little swim in the fountain.  Not on purpose, but she slid off the edge into the fountain.
I miss Samantha, but I must admit it is much easier to carry a 17" skeleton around.

Each day is a gift, open now.

No photos from this blog may be reproduced in any way without the written permission of the blogger and polkadot magpie.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Day 162 The Replacement

Day 162
By the time I had landed in Stuttgart my friend in Berlin had ordered 2 replacements.  This is a 17" crude model I am using in Stuttgart.  It is neither man or woman, so we named her "Karlolga," after the king and queen of Stuttgart.   And Sam II will be waiting for me in Berlin.

Karlolga poses in front of Neckar River at sunset.

Each day is a gift, open now.

No photos from this blog may be reproduced in any way without the written permission of the blogger and polkadot magpie.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Day 161 Sam Rejected By Delta Airlines

Day 161

So after huge expense of buying the pelican case, custom fitting her.  Delta airlines says she is 8 pounds too heavy to fly.  So she got left in Albuquerque, and I got on the plane to Germany.  I imagine she is heartbroken, as I am. 
I am looking for Sam2 in Stuttgart, a smaller tabletop model.

Each day is a gift, open now. 


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Day 160 Ready to Travel

Day 160

I have been working on Sam's Pelican case to custom fit her.  There is 4 layers of foam that are precut in 1" squares. You can remove them easily. The above photo is some of the foam I removed.  I used tooth picks to mark the pieces to remove.  It was like Tetris and a giant crossword puzzle  combined.  
 It's ready to go...we'll see if she is able to be carried on the jetway or checked.

Each day is a gift, open now.

No photos from this blog may be reproduced in any way without the written permission of the blogger and polkadot magpie.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Day 159 Good Bye Denver

Day 159
Sam had a great time in Denver.  The photo ops were many.  The time ran short.  She will be back again when the botanic garden is in full swing, and the summer mountains are calling.

This is the giant gnomen sundial in the Lowry Area by sculptor Mike Mancarella. What time is it?

Each day is a gift, open now.

No photos from this blog may be reproduced in any way without the written permission of the blogger and polkadot magpie.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Day 158 New Friends

Day 158
Sam made new friends in Denver. Susie, Bruce, and Ella. Susie went to UNM, and dons a cool skull t-shirt.  Look how happy Sam is!

I am finally caught up in posting!  One photo a day...perhaps 2 some days, as we are almost ready for our travel to Germany. Woot!

Each day is a gift, open now.

No photos from this blog may be reproduced in any way without the written permission of the blogger and polkadot magpie.

Day 157 Coming Clean

Day 157
Sam prepares for her big trip by cleaning up.  Today I custom fit her Pelican Case.

Each day is a gift, open now.

No photos from this blog may be reproduced in any way without the written permission of the blogger and polkadot magpie.