Saturday, March 17, 2012

Chicks Are Here!!!

She fell asleep as I was taking the picture.
They arrived  early,  again.  A shared order with my neighbor, Wendy.  I was almost Bob and I scrambled to move the nursery in the yard, get the light set and watched the thermometer rise.  The wind instantly picked up.  I caved, and we brought them inside, in the kitchen.  Much easier to maintain the constant temp for these crucial days.  Since they came on St. Patty's Day, I think I will name them Irish lass names.  Please feel free to leave your Irish name suggestions in the comments.  They will be red in color, so how perfect to have 6 red heads on St. Patrick's Day.
Nothin' cuter than new peeps.
Happy St. Patty's Day!  Thanks for reading.  
Each day is a gift. Open now.

Monday, March 12, 2012

One Week Till Chicks

Red Star Production Hen

My wonderful chicken loving neighbors and I are sharing a chick order from Murray McMurray. .  I decided to get "Red Star" production hens.  I have never had them, and I want a good source of eggs for my laying flock.

Today I went and bought organic chick starter and tomorrow I clean out the nursery aka rabbit hutch that has served me for many a chick.  They are due the 19th, my grandson is due the 24th for a visit.  I hope at 13 he's still lovin' the peeps. 6 girls flyin' soon.
Can't wait to have chicks, and a new breed.
I'll keep you updated.  My co-gardner Karen will be planning, planting, and working on part of the vegetable garden. It's so nice to have another farmer around. We are seed starting in these Jiffy pop up peat pots for the first time also. I got 12 artichoke plants from a woman in California...I am nervous.  I have lots of photos to take. :-)
Thanks for reading.  Each day is a gift, open now!